Sunday, October 31, 2010

Redeeming Halloween

I know different people have varied opinions on Halloween.  Certainly there is some weird stuff that goes on in some places.  However, I felt that this year we might try to redeem Halloween.  Let me explain.

My son's 10th birthday is today, on Halloween.  When he was little we used to tell him that everyone dressed up in costume for his birthday. Back then he thought that was cool. Now if I say that to him I get a look and a "Dad...,,,".

We were talking a few weeks ago about ways to reach out into our community and my wife, Ann, mentioned that she heard of someone who set up coffee for the adults who were talking their children around the neighborhood trick-or-treating.  Others who heard it thought it was a good ideas.

Last night, I received a call from Jeanie and Tom on our launch team inviting our family over to their house after church with the idea that we might be able to invite some neighbors to our new church.  It sounded like a great idea and we joined along with Matt and Fanny for a nice afternoon.

The kids and men went around the neighborhood in search of candy and handing out invitations while the ladies manned the coffee/candy table set up in front of their house.  We had some great conversations with the neighbors.

Here was a nicely decorated house

Nobody was home, but look where we left an invitation!

It was a great opportunity to meet the neighbors.  Many we spoke with seemed thankful to receive an invitation.  Let's pray that they will come!

There were only two things I saw that were "evil."  One, a teenage girl was dressed like a "french maid" and as a father of daughters, I couldn't imagine letting a girl out in an outfit like that.  She was given the wrong kind of attention by a group of boys that were chasing her around.  The other thing that was troubling was a badly thrown football pass that I made which took a bad bounce and, well, hit Matt and dropped him to the ground.  Sorry buddy!

This was the best costume we saw all day!

The Kids

The most friendly neighborhood coffee stand!

We had a nice afternoon with families from the church and I really think that this year we redeemed Halloween!  When else do you have all these neighbors coming to your house and have a chance to go up and greet them at their homes?  Now we need to see how God works in touching their lives.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ordinary People • Extraordinary God

This past Sunday we finished our message series "Ordinary People, Extraordinary God".   This was an exciting and inspiring time where we explored how "Ordinary People Who Trust in an Extraordinary God Can Do Amazing Things!"  I must say that it was a new good experience to be ready each Sunday with a message that would hopefully change lives.

The first message "God Works Thru Ordinary People" explored the call of David to be king and it's key point was "God Works Thru Hearts that are His"
The second message "Living for a Giant-size Cause" we saw how David faced a giant who defied God.  God's name and fame is a giant-size cause worth living for.
The final message "Meet Some Ordinary People" was an encouraging time hearing how God has worked in the lives of ordinary people. There were two great testimonies, too..  We learned that Spirit-led boldness is much better than ordinary human-boldness.

Now I have a few weeks to study for and prepare a new series that will begin later next month.  Pray that God leads me in this study time. 

Next week Pastor Joe will bring a message on being lead by the Holy Spirit.  Then the following two weeks we'll be blessed to have Pastor Mike and Pastor Ayars share the Word!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Getting in the swing of preparing a message each week!

This will now be the third Sunday in a row where I have prepared a message.  While I taught each week when leading the College-n-Beyond group, it's a little different preparing a Sunday morning message week after week.  The most important thing I'm finding is to be sure to keep reading and studying the Bible text over and over and being sure that I'm learning what the text says.  Period!

This week we're going to be looking at David and Goliath, one of the most familiar stories in the Bible.  It's tempting to gloss over the text and already have decided what it means, but there is a reward for digging and waiting on the Lord to unlock the treasure that's already there!  I believe that this has helped me and trust that it will help everyone else on Sunday.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Family Fun Day was Great!

We had a wonderful time last Sunday at the Country Fair Park!  While the weather was a bit nippy and overcast, we had lots of fun chasing each other around the Laser Tag area and racing the Go-Karts.  Some brave ones swung the bat in the batting cages and lots played mini golf.  We all seemed to end up together on the driving range at the end of our time and saw some pretty good (and not so good) golf swings.  It was a great day and I really enjoyed hanging out with everyone.

Now, be thinking of other things we can do together!

This Sunday I'm looking forward to beginning a message series "Ordinary People, Extraordinary God" where we are going to look at the life of David and apply it to our life.  We will be back at the Hotel.  Please pray that this will be a powerful time for all.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

This Sunday - Family Fun Day!

I'm really looking forward to this Sunday October 3 when we're at a different location to have our first (annual, maybe?) outdoor worship service and family fun day.  The weather is supposed to be great, we have alot of people signed up and there's still room for more.  Contact me if you would like to sign up.

My post last week already needs to be revised.  I thought that last Sunday we would be
"finishing up our first series, the Foundations series.  It's been a good start and challenging us to sure up the core beliefs of our faith.  While we've only had three messages on this, I suspect that this may be a series that we will come back to from time to time."
Well, my suspicion is correct - there will be a fourth message in the Foundations series.  I'll be giving a message to everyone - adults and kids together called "Lost and Found."   Pray that this is helpful to all - it's tough to speak to all ages and keep them interested, but I'm very excited about what God has showed me and I look forward to passing it on.

We're hoping for a great day!